Analyzing Pairs with Correlation and Cointegration
Pairs Trading or Market Neutrality have long been seen as complex hedge fund style strategies with limited application for the retail trader. As part of our series on Correlation and Cointegration, we...
View ArticleCharting a Linear Regression
Linear Regression can be an effective tool when defining the overall momentum or trend of a series of prices. It can be adapted to all data. Fields outside of trading, including risk management and...
View ArticlePairs Trading Case Study: Gold / Silver
Finding a pair of currencies or commodities that can stand up to the cointegration test on both a short term and long term basis can be quite difficult. It is common for pairings to have some degree of...
View ArticlePairs Trading – Entry Point Confirmation Using Technical Indicators
Trading pairs without adequate confirmation is like building a house without a structural engineer. In the short term the design may be stable and safe, however over a longer period of time, the...
View ArticleHarmonic Trading Patterns: What Are They?
Price action and high probability pattern trading are two defining characteristics of Harmonics. Based on the geometrical shifts in Fibonacci angles, Harmonic trading patterns have long been used to...
View ArticleBearish Butterfly Harmonics and Win Rate
Butterfly harmonic patterns are high probability trade setups that identify reversals in trends. As discussed in our previous post on harmonics, the butterfly is created when price points reach...
View ArticleAnalizando pares con Correlación y cointegración
Pares de comercio o mercado Neutralidad durante mucho tiempo han sido considerados como estrategias complejas estilo de fondos de cobertura con una aplicación limitada para el comerciante al por...
View ArticleTrazando una Regresión Lineal
Regresión lineal puede ser una herramienta eficaz en la definición del impulso general o tendencia de una serie de precios. Se puede adaptar a todos los datos. Los campos fuera de la negociación,...
View ArticlePairs Trading Estudio de caso: Oro / Plata
Encontrar un par de divisas o materias primas que puede hacer frente a la prueba de cointegración, tanto a corto como a largo plazo puede ser bastante difícil. Es común que las parejas tengan algún...
View ArticlePares de comercio - Confirmación punto de entrada Usando Indicadores Técnicos
Operando con pares sin confirmación adecuada es como construir una casa sin un ingeniero estructural. En el corto plazo, el diseño puede ser estable y seguro, sin embargo durante un período de tiempo...
View ArticleLos patrones de comercio de armónicos: Qué Son?
La acción del precio y el patrón de comercio de alta probabilidad son dos características definitorias de Armónicos. Sobre la base de los cambios geométricos en los ángulos de Fibonacci, Harmonic...
View ArticleMariposa bajista Armónicos y Win Rate
Mariposa patrones armónicos son configuraciones de comercio de probabilidad alta que identifican las reversiones de las tendencias. Como se discutió en nuestro post anterior sobre armonía, la mariposa...
View ArticleAnalyzing Pairs with Correlation and Cointegration
Pairs Trading or Market Neutrality have long been seen as complex hedge fund style strategies with limited application for the retail trader. As part of our series on Correlation and Cointegration, we...
View ArticleCharting a Linear Regression
Linear Regression can be an effective tool when defining the overall momentum or trend of a series of prices. It can be adapted to all data. Fields outside of trading, including risk management and...
View ArticlePairs Trading Case Study: Gold / Silver
Finding a pair of currencies or commodities that can stand up to the cointegration test on both a short term and long term basis can be quite difficult. It is common for pairings to have some degree...
View ArticlePairs Trading - Entry Point Confirmation Using Technical Indicators
Trading pairs without adequate confirmation is like building a house without a structural engineer. In the short term the design may be stable and safe, however over a longer period of time, the...
View ArticleHarmonic Trading Patterns: What Are They?
Price action and high probability pattern trading are two defining characteristics of Harmonics. Based on the geometrical shifts in Fibonacci angles, Harmonic trading patterns have long been used to...
View ArticleBearish Butterfly Harmonics and Win Rate
Butterfly harmonic patterns are high probability trade setups that identify reversals in trends. As discussed in our previous post on harmonics, the butterfly is created when price points reach...
View ArticleAnalizando pares con Correlación y cointegración
Pares de comercio o mercado Neutralidad durante mucho tiempo han sido considerados como estrategias complejas estilo de fondos de cobertura con una aplicación limitada para el comerciante al por...
View ArticleTrazando una Regresión Lineal
Regresión lineal puede ser una herramienta eficaz en la definición del impulso general o tendencia de una serie de precios. Se puede adaptar a todos los datos. Los campos fuera de la negociación,...
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